National Anti-DDoS-coalition
The national anti-DDoS coalition is an alliance against DDoS attacks. The coalition consists of twenty-five organisations including governments, internet service providers, internet exchanges, academic institutions, non-profit organizations and banks. The aim of the coalition is to investigate and combat DDoS from different perspectives.

Collaborative DDoS mitigation event 2024
We cordially invite you to the annual Collaborative DDoS Mitigation event on Wednesday 27 November at the beautiful castle De Hooge Vuursche near Baarn. This

Black Hat Europe 2022
December 5-8, the Anti-DDoS Coalition will be at Black Hat Europe 2022! Coalition members Karl Lovink (Belastingdienst) and Mieke Van Ulden (ECP) will give a

DDoS Clearing House designated high potential innovation by European Commission
Contributing to internet security and stability in the Netherlands, Europe and beyond The DDoS Clearing House has been designated a ‘key innovation’ by the European